The other day a friend came over to work on her daughter´s First Comunion favors and I decided to make this smoothie and enjoy it while we were working. It was a cold day and it probably felt more like a tea or coffee day but, it was time for my mid morning snack and I had to eat fruit. So, I decided to innovate a little (regarding my snacks) and prepared this smoothie with peppermint and melon. Wonderful discovery! It turns out that these two are:
Comienza con las hojas de 3 ramitas de yerbabuena fresca
Start with the leaves of 3 fresh peppermint stems
Una rodaja de melón verde
A slice of green melon
4 cucharadas de yogurt natural desnatado (puede ser edulcorado si son de paladar dulce jeje)
4 tablespoons of natural fat free yogurt (you can use sweetened if you have a sweet tooth Lol)
Mezclar en la licuadora y listo! Me lo omagino con hielito picadito en verano y Yummy!
Blend & it´s ready to serve! I imagine zipping it in summer with crushed ice & Yummy!
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