Yes, tomato cake, lol. I was soooo curios when I saw the pick on Pinterest, that I had to take a peek. After reading her introduction and seeing that it was really easy to prepare and had few ingrediets, I decided to give it a try. Well, a huge success! So much so, that I baked it for yesterday´s dinner party and there are only crumbs left. I told my guests (guinea pigs as we call them-and well, very brave on my part, trying a new recipe with guests) that I wasn´t going to tell them the flavor of the cake until they had a piece.. you know how we are. If I had told them beforehand they probably wouldn´t have tasted it.
Para los que se animen a hacerla aquí van las instrucciones y los ingredientes y bueno uno que otro comentario. La versión original es de love food eat.
If you are up to it, here are the instructions and the ingredients, along with some comments of my own. The original recipe is from love food eat.
Los tomates más rojos y bellos que tengan. Yo compré muchos porque no se calcular. Pedían una taza y al final sólo utilicé tomate y medio... Estos eran bien grandotes.
The redest and most beautiful tomatoes you can find. I bought a whole bunch because I´m really bad at calculating. In the end, I only used one and a half tomatoes.... these were really big ones!
Así se ve la torta antes de meterla en el horno. Para mi gusto y luego de haberla probado, creo que hubiese podido cortar los tomates un poco más grandes. Se desintegraron en el horno!! Quizá se vea más linda con trocitos rojos cuando uno la corte.
This is how it looks before you put it in the oven. If you ask me, next time I´m cutting the tomatoes a little big bigger. They melted in the oven! I think it may look nicer if when you cut it you see the little red pieces.
Así queda al sacarla del horno. Razón tenía la dueña de la receta. Toda la casa huele a canela cuando uno la hornea. Ah! otra cosa, ponganle bastante mantequilla y quizá hasta harina al molde. La mía no puedo decir que se me haya pegado... pero no la pude desmoldar y tuve que ponerla en la mesa con el molde y todo!! Que perdida de glamour total!
This is how it looks just after you take it out of the oven. The owner of the recipe was right. The whole house smelled like cinnamon when you´re baking it. Ah! one more thing, use a lot of butter when greasing your pan. I can´t say mine got stuck...but it just didn´t came out of the pan and I had to place it with pan and all on the table!!! How terrible considering I had guests that were here for the first time!!
1 taza de tomates picados
1 1/2 taza de harina de trigo integral
1/2 taza de aceite de oliva
1cdta. polvo de hornear
1cdta. de canela en polvo
3/4 taza azúcar morena (yo usé blanca porque no tenía de la otra)
1cdta. bicarbonato de sodio
3 cdas. vinagre de sidra de manzana
Pizca de sal
Pelar los tomates y quitarles las semillas. Cortarlos pequeñitos. Escurrilos bien, si se les deja el agua la torta queda aguada. Colocar la harina, polvo de hornear, bicarnonato, canela, azúcar y sal en un bowl. En otro bowl colocar los tomates, aceite de oliva y el vinagre de manzana y mezclarlos bien. Yo hice la torta a mano y quedó bien así que no hace falta que utilicen la eléctrica. Colocar poco a poco lo ingredientes secos en la mezcla del tomate hasta que esté bien mezclado. No sobrebatir. Me recuerdo siempre que mi prima Andrea nos decía eso. Una vez que uno incorpora la harina en algún plato que está preparando, no se debe sobrebatir. Colocar en un molde (yo utilicé uno redondo y medio grande y la torta quedó delgadita- maravilloso para la dieta!) previamente engrasado con mantequilla, con la ayuda de una cuchara -queda un poco densa y no se escurre del bowl así tan fácil. Hornear a 190ºC por 30 minutos o hasta que al introducir la punta de un cuchillo o el palito ese famoso que yo no tengo salga limpio.
1 cup of chopped tomatoes
1 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup olive oil
1tsp baking powder
1tsp cinnamon
¾ cup brown sugar(I used white because it´s the one I had)
1 tsp baking soda
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Peel the tomatoes and deseed them. Chop them finely. Drain them well, if you leave the water the cake will end up to soft. Put all the dry ingredients-the flour, baking soda and powder, cinnamon, sugar and salt- in a bowl. In another bowl place the tomatoes, olive oil and apple cider vinegar and mix them well. I mixed the cake with my hands and it turned out fine, so there´s no need to use the electric mixer. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the tomatoes and combining them very well. Do not mix. I always remember what my cousin Andrea taught us. Once the flour´s in you shouldn´t over mix. Place it in a previously greased pan (I used a big round pan and it came out thin-great serving size for dieters!) with the help of a spoon- the mixture is kind of thick and doesn´t pour very well. Bake @ 190ºC for 30mins or until the tip of the knife o those famous baking picks that I doen´t have inserted comes out clean.
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