octubre 30, 2012

R.I.P. cake ~ Bizcocho Q.E.P.D

Estoy más que emocionada con los resultados del curso que hice el domingo en Cupcake Factory  y con mi primera torta (tarta, bizcocho como como lo quieran llamar) con fondant! Creo que para ser la primera que hago quedó de concurso.  No les voy a decir que es fácil pero tampoco difícilísimo.... creo que más que arte culinario hay que tener creatividad e imaginar el proyecto antes de poner manos a la obra.

I am more than thrilled with the results of the class I took at the Cupcake Factory last Sunday and with  my first cake decorated with fondant! I think,  being this my very first one, it came out competition style. I will not say it's easy but not very difficult .... I think that more than culinary expertise what you should have is creativity and imagine the project before getting to work is really important.

Para un paso a paso del proceso, pueden ir a Kozinandito mi blog de "cocina"
For a step by step of the process, please visit Kozinandito, my "cooking" blog

4 comentarios:

  1. You did an amazing job! I can't believe this was your first fondant cake. I still haven't gotten the hang of fondant yet, but am slowing learning. Great job!

    1. Thanks!! I was amazed too... guess I´ll just have to keep on practicing ; )

  2. Is that what that smooth surface is called? I wondered, and I love the look it creates. It did come out really good!

    1. Yes, it´s called fondant. You can either make it from scratch or buy it at a store. Wilton cakes sells it. Thanks for stopping by
