octubre 29, 2013

Cata por mi cumple ~Tasting for my B-day

          Este año decidí hacer algo especial por mi cumple: una cata de quesos y su respectivo maridaje con vinitos.  Todo comenzó con una cata a la que fuimos en la Lechera de Burdeos- ya había asistido a otra en Murcia Gastronómica 2012. Allí, a parte de degustar unos ricos quesos, compré mi regalo de cumple, El Manual del Gourmet del Queso y mientras comía y bebía junto a mi Cheli, se me ocurrió; una Cata con todas las de la Ley para celebrar mis últimos 30´s jejeje.

Una copa, un vino / One glass, one wine

Con tiza en mantel de papel / With chalk in a paper table cloth

          This year I decided to do something special for my birthday: a Cheese tasting with their respective wine pairings. It all started in a tasting we went to at the Lechera de Burdeos; I had already attended to another one in Murcia Gastronomic 2012. There, in addition to the sampling of some delicious cheeses,  I bought my birthday gift, The Handbook of Gourmet Cheese and as I ate and drank with my Cheli, it came to me.. a tasting with all the tids and bits  to celebrate my last 30 ' s lol.
Troncos por tablas / Logs as trays
Cada queso con su identificación / Each cheese with its name

          Después de muchas vueltas, me decidí por 9 quesos de 5 países. Por supuesto, de los tres tipos, cabra, oveja y vaca. Para los curiosos, he aquí la lista:

Brie (vaca) francés, Cabra de Ronda (cabra) español, Camembert (vaca) francés, Comté reserva (vaca) francés, Manchego añejo (oveja) español,  Old Amsterdam (vaca) holandés, Pecorino tartufo (oveja) italiano, Reblochon (vaca) francés y por último pero no por ello el peor Stilton (vaca) inglés.

         After much reflection, I decided on 9 cheeses from 5 countries. Of the three types, of course, goat, sheep and cow. For the curious ones, here's the list:
 Brie (cow) French,  Goat of Ronda (goat) Spanish, Camembert (cow) French, Comté reserve (cow) French, aged Manchego (sheep ) Spanish, Old Amsterdam (cow) truffled Pecorino (sheep) Italian, Reblochon (cow) French and last but by no means the worst Stilton (cow) English.
Cada uno con su instrumento para cortarlo/ Each one with its own knife

          Gracias al manual y por que no, a lo que me gusta, decidí que tipo de vino y acompañante iría con cada uno. Lastima que fue hace tanto tiempo y no recuerdo los vinitos que puse. Si se que había, pasas, uvas, nueces, manzana, chocolate y membrillo y una gran selección de panes, galletas, grissinis, etc para acompañar la selección (eso lo recuerdo por las fotos- no puedo dar tanto crédito a mi memoria jeje)

The place / El lugar
The table / La mesa
          Thanks to the manual and why not, to what I like, I decided what kind of wine and food should pair with each cheese. Too bad it was so long ago and I can´t remember the names of the wines I chose. I do know that I served raisins, grapes, walnuts, apples, chocolate and quince and a great selection of breads, crackers, grissinis (bread sticks), etc. to accompany the selecction (that I remember from the photos, I can not give my memory such credit  lol)

          ¡Ahora a armarlo todo! Gracias a ideas de Pinterest y un poco de imaginación para presentarlo en la mesa (no se pierdan las bandejas de los quesos, son troncos de madera de los que se colocan en los jardines) solo me quedaba poner manos a la obra y tenerlo todo listo para cuando vinieran los invitados.

           Now put it all together! Thanks to Pinterest  and a little imagination to set the table (don´t miss the cheese trays, they are wooden logs, the ones that you place in the garden) and get everything ready for when guests arrive.

Para mi, las mejores! No pueden faltar / To me, the best ones! A must
The guests / Los invitados
          La velada estuvo increible. Nos sentamos todos entre quesos y maridajes al rededor de la mesa. Uno a uno fuimos catando los quesos con su respectivo vino (hubo hasta cambio de copas...) mientras leíamos del Manual del Gourmet del queso y compartíamos nuestras experiencias y gustos con cada unos de los quesos. Toda una night to remember como diría en su canción Bryan Adams...

With the bday girl / Con la cumpleañera
         The evening was incredible. We sat around the table between cheeses and pairings. One by one we tasted each cheese with its own wine ( we even changed glasses ...) while I read from the Manual of the Gourmet Cheese and we shared our experiences and what we thought of each one. Quite "A night to Remember" as Bryan Adams states in his song ...

12 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I have a friend who loves cheese and writes about it on her blog. She is also a young adult auther. Here is her info: http://crystalcollier.blogspot.com. Anyway seeing your blog today made me think of her. You might enjoy checking it out. You take good pictures and happy birthday too. You made me want to go out and have my own cheese party. Looks like so much fun.

    1. I´ll definitely check her out. It´s alwayd good to know people with the same interests! Thanks for stopping by

  2. Happy Belated birthday.. great cheese spread you had :)

  3. Happy birthday! Wow, everything looks so yummy! :)

  4. Looks like a great spread--super smiling friends-- What a good birthday! =D

  5. Happy Birthday! That table is just so perfect and festive. I love cheese. I think I could live on it alone:)

  6. What a beautiful lot of cheese! Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day!

  7. I just love the paper you used for the table cloth and how you labeled everything on it! What a brilliant, homey yet chic idea! Gonna use it for sure!

    1. You should it´s versatile and once you´re done you don´t have to wash it or worry about wine spills lol
