julio 26, 2012


 Solo hasta que no vives en tu país natal te das cuenta de lo mucho que te gustaban unas cosas y cuanto las extrañas. Ese es el caso de El Avila para mi. Siempre presente, siempre verde, siempre majestuoso, siempre protector.
 Only until you live far away from  home you realize how much you liked some things and how much you miss them. That is the case of El Avila for me. Always present, always green, always majestic, always protective.

Para quienes no sepan de qué hablo, el Parque Nacional El Avila es una formación montañosa que forma parte de la Cadena del Litoral dentro de la Cordillera de la Costa, emblema y pulmón de Caracas. Ahora que regresé por unos días me dediqué a contemplarlo todos los días desde la terraza de mi casa y recordé las miles de veces que soñé, sentada en las escaleras, sólo viéndolo y disfrutando de su inmensidad.

 For those who do not know what I am talking about, the Avila National Park is a mountain formation that is part of the Coast Range in the Cordillera de la Costa, Caracas´emblem and lungs. Now that I went back for a few days, I saw myself contemplating it every day from the terrace of my house and I remembered the thousands of times I dreamt, sitting on the stairs, just watching and enjoying its immensity.

Fotos de El Avila seguro hay miles, quizá más espectaculares que las mías, sin embargo, las que comparto aquí tienen especial significado para mi. Bien sea porque son desde la terraza de mi casa, desde la nueva casa de mi amiga Glenda o desde el móvil, manejando hacia mis varios destinos en la ciudad, son las que hasta mi nueva visita me harán recordar.

Espero las disfruten tanto como yo. Se les quiere

I´m sure that there are thousands of pictures of El Avila, perhaps more spectacular than mine, However, the ones I share here are of special significance for me. Whether they are the ones taken from the terrace of my house, from my friend Glenda´s new home or from my phone, while driving to my various destinations in the city, they are the ones that´ll help me remember.

I hope you enjoy them as much I do. Love you

10 comentarios:

  1. the mountains reminds me of the movie The SOund of Music

  2. Beautiful pictures. This makes me want to run away from suburban New Jersey.

  3. Thee pictures are stunning! It makes me want to run there now just to see the beauty.

  4. Incredible! It truly looks like a glorious place to live or to visit.

    1. Sadly it´s not a safe place... it´s why we left. Caracas is a very dangerous city...

  5. Ah, I miss the mountains! I live in the flattest part of the US, and I miss the rolling hills of the north... Great pictures!

  6. Oh I would miss that too. That was beautiful. I would love to have mountains to stare at. What is your view now?

    1. Murcia is kind of flat... from my new house I see a park and some hills that are far away. Nothing as stunning as my Avila
